Di suatu malam yang indah, aq ngan geng2 IP aq telah meng-interview bdak2 year 1 yang nak menjadi IP. Aq pun memainkan peranan sebagai seorang interviewer psycho bermuke ketat yg serius (saje nk psycho diorang). So, lepas satu group, satu group masuk bilik interview 2. Satu group 3 orang. Adela satu masa 2, aq pun tanyela bdak2 year 1 tu;
"I want you to tell me the first impression that you counter when you saw the Ip member that I point to"
so, sorang2 bgtaw pendapat diorang tentang member2 IP yg ade dlm bilik 2 (bobo, sara ngan aziani). Pastu aq pun tyela sorang boyz year 1 ni;
"you, what is your first impression about myself?" [SimPanG]
"the first impression that I think about yourself is you are a womanizer" [Year 1]
"?????????" [SimPanG]
"so you say that he is a player right? womanizer?" [bobo]
"yes, his face is like one of the womanizer type" [Year 1]
"are you sure about that?" [SimPanG]
"yes, but it's only the first impression..."[Year 1]
".............................. well, next person..." [SimPanG]
*pas2 aq pun sruh bdak len plak ckp impression die
yg penting kt sini ialah, bagaimana org len bleh interpret sesuatu yang sgt berlainan dgn diri kita kalau seseorang itu x kenal kita. aq bleh ckp kt sini yg perlakuan kita boleh membawa kpd persepsi yg sgt berbeza oleh orang len. aq nk highlight perkara ni cz aq memang bkan jnis men2 dlm perhubungan, jauh sekali womanizer. so, menda 2 x btul langsung! aq harap, pasni x de r org interpret aq cm2 or yg lbih truk lagi... or, korang rase aq cm2 ker????
moral of the story is:
don't judge the book by it's cover.. kena tengok content, colour, n mcm2 lagi. belilah buku yg mempunyai isi yg btul2 mengikut kehendak kita. =)
btul r 2... ko mmg muka cam womanizer pun... hahahahhaaha
mane ade... muke ko la, aq seorang yg serius kot. hehe
x inn langsung..
1st impression ak,
simpang ni SKEMA n PENDIAM..
womanizer tu x penah pkir langsung la..
tak ptot tol la dak tue ckp ko womanizer..
staw aku..ko nie shy2... n quite silent .hehe
but, nobody knows...hehe..kot2 la btol...haha..nway!! aq blieve u r nop like dat, rite??
so, keep being a good boy!!!eh.. engine hiker lah!!!
2 la, aq igt die nk ckp aq pendiam ke, skema ke, namun, die ckp aq cm2. isy3....
aq rase ape yg bdak 2 ckp salah, tpi x taw r... hehe
ikut r diri masing2 utk menilai, kita kenal siapa diri kita...
btw, slamat berblogging!
ko bkn wonanizer
ko cume seorg play boy playin DoTA
walayeh pang,
womanizer womanizer.
'womanizer' boleh jadi lagu tema kau.
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